The Senate convened at 12:00 PM.

The nomination of Sparkle L. Sooknanan to be District Judge for the District of Columbia was confirmed by a roll call vote of 50-48.

Confirmed, 50-48: Executive Calendar #779, Catherine Henry to be District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

Confirmed, 50-48: Confirmation of Executive Calendar #790 Gail A. Weilheimer to be District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

Military Promotions Confirmed by Voice Vote: Executive Calendar #848.

The Senate adjourned at 7:22pm.

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Floor Schedule

The Senate will convene at 10:00am on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.


At 11:15am, the Senate will vote on confirmation of the Driscoll nomination.


At 12:00pm, the Senate will vote on the motion to proceed  to Cal. #15, S.J. Res. 11, Sen. Kennedy Marine Archeological CRA.