The Senate convened at 10:00am.

The Senate adopted the following amendments to H.R.4366 {Minibus Appropriations} by voice vote:

  • Moran amendment to prohibit the use of funds appropriated by division A to change rates for reimbursement for transportation via a special mode of transportation under the laws administered by the Secretary of Veteran Affairs and to reduce certain amounts available to the Department of Veterans Affairs. (1250)
  • Daines amendment to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit to Congress an earned value analysis of the Veterans Electronic Health Record system of the Department of Veterans Affairs. (1185)  
  • Sullivan amendment to prioritize the use of funds for certain telehealth services and mental health programs for veterans. (1216) 
  • Sullivan amendment to prohibit the use of funds to procure seafood from China for use in school meals. (1221)
  • Peters-Cornyn amendment to provide funding for the emergency and transitional pet shelter and housing assistance grant program. (1283)
  • Rosen amendment to make amounts available to the Veterans Health Administration to sustain and increase telehealth capacity and associated programmatic efforts. (1117)
  • Schatz amendment to extend the period of availability for fiscal year 2021 national infrastructure investments. (1120)
  • Booker-Tuberville amendment to increase funding for rural decentralized water systems. (1175)
  • Tillis-Welch amendment to require a review regarding veterans who engaged in toxic exposure risk activities while serving in Kosovo. (1264)
  • Reed amendment to appropriate amounts for shellfish research, with an offset. (1202)
  • Britt amendment to provide appropriations for certain research using plant genomics, with an offset. (1270)
  • Kelly-Tillis amendment to require medical facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs to share certain data with State cancer registries. (1116)
  • Hirono-Moran amendment to provide funding for competitive grants for construction of agricultural research facilities and related activities, with an offset. (1113)
  • Warnock-Cornyn amendment to require the Secretary of Transportation to report on the Federal Aviation Administration’s workforce development programs. (1351)
  • Smith-Ricketts amendment to require the submission of a report on improving staffing at the Farm Service Agency and the Natural Resources Conservation Service at the county level. (1134)
  • Rosen-Crapo amendment to provide funding for the suppression and control Mormon crickets in western States. (1220)
  • Cardin amendment to provide funding for invasive catfish control. (1277)
  • Padilla amendment to improve housing assistance for veterans experiencing homelessness. (1140)
  • Shaheen amendment to require a report on the use of third-party contractors to conduct medical disability examinations of veterans. (1131)
  • Klobuchar-Moran amendment to make funds available for the aeronautical information management program. (1203)
  • Kelly amendment to require a report relating to rural community facilities direct loan applicants. (1133)
  • Padilla amendment to provide for the development of emergency evacuation route planning guidelines and best practices. (1139) 
  • Ossoff-Braun amendment to provide funds for the Office of Women’s Health of the Department of Veterans Affairs to expand access of women veterans to mammography initiatives and equipment. (1255)
  • Merkley-Crapo amendment to increase the set-aside for multi-benefit projects under the watershed and flood prevention operations program. (1352) 
  • Stabenow amendment to provide funding for the Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Program. (1115)

Confirmed, 51-46: Executive Calendar #116 Jessica Looman to be Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor.

Adopted, 59-38: Vance amendment to prohibit funds appropriated for the Department of Transportation for fiscal year 2024 from being used to enforce a mask mandate in response to the COVID-19 virus. (1210)

Not adopted, 47-51: Rubio amendment to prohibit the use of funds to implement the final rule regarding energy efficient standards for certain subsidized housing (1237).

Adopted, 53-45: Kennedy amendment to prohibit the availability of funds for the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to report certain information to the Department of Justice for use by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. (1354)

Not adopted, 56-42: Adoption of Lankford amendment #1232 to Murray-Collins substitute amendment #1092 to Cal. #198, H.R.4366, vehicle for Appropriations Minibus (MilCon/VA, Agriculture, T-HUD). (60-vote affirmative threshold)

The Senate adjourned at 7:03pm.

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Floor Schedule

The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am Friday, March 14, 2025.

Following Leader remarks, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session and resume consideration of Executive Calendar #35, Stephen Feinberg, to be Deputy Secretary of Defense.

10:45am – roll call vote:

  1. Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #35, Stephen Feinberg, to be Deputy Secretary of Defense

1:15pm – 3 roll call votes expected:

  1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #35, Stephen Feinberg, to be Deputy Secretary of Defense
  2. Passage of Cal. #18, S.331, HALT Fentanyl Act
  3. Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to Cal. #26, H.R. 1968, Continuing Appropriations

Additional votes are expected.