The Senate convened at 10:00am.

Cloture Invoked, 53-47: Executive Calendar #317 Nathalie Rayes, of Massachusetts, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Croatia.

Confirmed, 53-47: Executive Calendar #317 Nathalie Rayes, of Massachusetts, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Croatia.

Not invoked, 49-51: Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to Cal. #30, H.R.815, legislative vehicle for supplemental appropriations.

Leader Schumer entered a motion to reconsider the failed cloture vote on the motion to proceed to Cal. #30, H.R.815, legislative vehicle for supplemental appropriations.

Confirmed by voice vote: PN802 Jamie Fly to be a Member of the International Broadcasting Advisory Board for a term expiring January 1, 2027. (New Position)

Confirmed by voice vote: Executive Calendar #159 Kathleen Cunningham Matthews to be a Member of the International Broadcasting Advisory Board for a term expiring January 1, 2027. (New Position)

Confirmed by voice vote: Executive Calendar #160 Jeffrey Gedmin to be a Member of the International Broadcasting Advisory Board for a term expiring January 1, 2025. (New Position)

Confirmed by voice vote: Executive Calendar #161 Kenneth M. Jarin to be Chair of the International Broadcasting Advisory Board. (New Position)

Confirmed by voice vote: Executive Calendar #162 Kenneth M. Jarin to be a Member of the International Broadcasting Advisory Board for a term expiring January 1, 2027. (New Position)

Confirmed by voice vote: Executive Calendar #163 Luis Manuel Botello to be a Member of the International Broadcasting Advisory Board for a term expiring January 1, 2025. (New Position)

Confirmed by voice vote: Executive Calendar #164 Michelle Mai Selesky Giuda to be a Member of the International Broadcasting Advisory Board for a term expiring January 1, 2027. (New Position)

Confirmed by voice vote: Executive Calendar #206 Dante Quintin Allen to be Commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration, Department of Education.

The Senate adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

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Floor Schedule

The Senate will convene for pro forma sessions only with no business conducted on the following dates and times:

Tuesday, March 18, at 12:15pm

Thursday, March 20, at 12:00 Noon.


The Senate will next convene at 3:00pm on Thursday, March 24, 2025.

At 5:30pm, the Senate will proceed to two roll call votes:

  1. Confirmation of the nomination of John Phelan to be Secretary of the Navy.
  2. Confirmation of the nomination of Christopher Landau to be Deputy Secretary of State.