On the Floor

Latest Floor Log

The Senate convened at 9:45am.

By unanimous consent, all post-cloture time with regards to the motion to proceed to Cal. #119, S.2226, FY2024 NDAA be considered expired, and the Senate proceeded to the bill.

Adopted by a vote of 96-2: Murray amendment #300 in relation to Calendar #119, S.2226, National Defense Authorization Act.

Adopted by a vote of 65-28: Kaine amendment #429 in relation to Calendar #119, S.2226, National Defense Authorization Act.

Not adopted by a vote of 16-83: Paul amendment #222 in relation to Calendar #119, S.2226, National Defense Authorization Act.

By a vote of 39-60, the Senate did not adopt the Hawley-Vance amendment #838 in relation to Calendar #119, S.2226, National Defense Authorization Act.

The Senate adjourned at 7:55pm.

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